Hi 👋 I'm Yuewen 杨越雯

My interests are in human-computer interaction research + full-stack development 🖥 + and more 🎹 📷.

I design, build, and evaluate intelligent systems as accessible support for mental health and well-being.

I sometimes think about managing productive paralysis by engaging in "creative acts".

Technology “materials” I work with include: AI, machine-generated content, passive sensing data.

  • human-ai interaction
  • mental health and wellbeing
  • cscw

I explore how intelligent technologies can augment human cognition and reduce the effort required to turn intentions into actions, toward sustainable and subjective wellbeing outcomes.


I design technologies that engage individual's wellness ecosystem (e.g., friends, family, therapists) and help foster interpersonal support networks.

Link to Research Statement

" the end of a melody is not its goal "